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Ford F-250 and F-350 Heavy Duty Trailer Brake Controller Installation And Review Videos


Trailer Brake Controller Installation - 1997 Ford F-250- Video

Trailer Brake Controller Installation - 1997 Ford F-250

Today on our 1997 Ford F250, we're going to be installing the Tekonsha prodigy P2 brake controller, part# 90885. In conjunction with our brake controller, we'll be installing a draw tight wiring kit for electric brake controllers, part# 5505. Now we're going to start here by trimming off some of the protective casing that is on our duplex wire. We need to expose enough wire of the white and the black. We'll then go ahead and take our wire strippers, strip back a little bit of wire in each. Now that we have our duplex wire ready, let's go ahead an show you what we'll be connecting to. Now you can see here on this vehicle, there is already a 7-way kit installed, so we already have our blue wire and our black wire coming off the backside. So our blue wire will run up for our brake control signal, and this black wire here is for a 12-volt hot that is part of the 7-way. more

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6/20/2014 4:25:19 AM
